The iPad unlike laptops and netbooks doesn’t have a readymade hard case to keep it protected. A big + of laptops is that the outside casing is designed to protect the screen beneath, keyboard, and the fragile hard drive within.
Even though the iPad can many of the same things that a laptop can do, unfortunately they do not share the same protection from accidental damage. We was asked to put together a small list of things you can do to protect your Apple iPad from damage, and keep it in pristine condition ready to sell on when a new iPad comes out (;
Now you have just upgraded your iPad to the one with the retina display (like most of use) you want to keep that beautiful screen safe from scratches and marks. A good option is a screen protector, there cheap, and they also help to keep the iPad screen clean. One down side however is that are a bit of a faff to get on, but it is worth it as it will keep your screen clear of scuffs and scratchs.
Next, your going to need a cover. There is many covers I hear you say, which one should I buy. Many will opt for a cool looking case rather than a practical one. Apple make there own which is the SmartCover. This case we feel is best as not only does it protect the font glass screen, but it also protects the shiny back that can also easily get scratched when put onto surfaces. There are many covers on the market, gel ones, leather ones, plastic ones, at the end of the day its up tp you. Best to bear in mind though how safe and clean it will keep your iPad.Another option would be a case with extra functions. Cases with keyboards like ZAGG by logitech.
Finally if you do need to clean the iPad screen then your best using a dry electrics cleaning cloth. This is great for all those finger marks and dirt that gets on the screen. A good brand we use is “windex electronics dry cloths”. They are easy to track down, and can be found in many stores in the cleaning aisle.
Protecting your iPad is very important. By doing all of the above your are giving yourself the best chance of keeping your beautiful shinny iPad, exactly that way.
Author: Express iPad Repair